Föregående NästaFinns i lager
Durex intensiva kondomer hjälper till att göra sex bättre för båda, ökar upphetsningen och ökar njutningen. Dessa kondomer smörjs med stimulerande gel som ökar känsligheten i hennes intima områden och ger värme, kylning eller stickningar, medan revorna och prickarna ger ytterligare stimulering.
- Innehåller 12 kondomer.
Returns Policy
As a customer at Lust4You you always have 30 days to return. The product must be flipped and in the same condition as when you are there. Note that underwear, socks, latex products and intimate products must be unopened in order to be returned. Contact customer service at contact@lust4you.com and we will help you with return address.
Freight cost
Shipping for orders under 50 Euro costs 5Euro. For orders over 50 Euro you always have free shipping in Europe. Different conditions may apply for other areas.